Coach Corky is the Founder of RunFit Kidz and a fitness enthusiast. Prior to embarking on this adventure, Corky worked in Event Marketing and Trade-show Management for high tech companies in the San Francisco Bay Area.
However, when the opportunity arose to go back to school, she jumped at the chance and received her teaching credential from San Francisco State University in multiple subjects from grades k-8 with a focus on Physical Education. She continued to build her career in fitness by becoming a pre and post-natal fitness instructor, volleyball coach, and lacrosse coach.
After moving to Northern Virginia in 2005, Corky continued teaching fitness and became a Road Runners Club of America Running Coach, AFAA Group Fitness Instructor, Level 1 United States Track and Field Coach and U.S.A Triathlon Coach. As well as Level 2 Lacrosse Coach.
In addition to growing as a fitness professional, Corky continues to pursue her love of running and triathlons. Corky is 6-time Boston Marathon Qualifier and NYC Marathon Qualifier. She has completed 17 marathons, 4 Half Iron Man distance races and 2 Full Iron distance. She enjoys triathlons and road races of all distances, but finds her biggest joy comes from watching her 3 children participate in various races and sports.